Beauford E. Averette
Inventor, Writer, and accountant.

Oregon author Beauford E. Averette makes a solid debut with THE ADRALACK CRACK ON MT. BAKER – the initial novel of a projected trilogy. His writing is crisp and fast-paced as he ushers the reader through a challenging adventure… credible science fiction. Energetic and well-grounded, the initial novel encourages anticipation of volume 2!
The first book of the Adralack trilogy, the Adralack Crack on Mt. Baker a science fiction novel about four professors that are exposed to a number of weird events while climbing Mt. Baker in Washington State. The events that they lived are so well described and supported that it seems like if I was reading a history of something that has really happened. Telepathy, disintegration, and time traveling among others. A fun and interesting read.
In this fast-paced science fiction, the readers are presented with one incredible situation after another, including alien abduction, gaining super intelligence and superpower, and also using science for teleporting. However, wit and morality are tested and several things are at stake.
“The Adralack Crack on Mt. Baker: The First of the Adralack Trilogy,” by Beauford E. Averette is an incredibly exciting book that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat with each and every turn of the page. This book starts quick and keeps gaining momentum which leaves you wanting to engage yourself even more in this incredible adventure!
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